To: Renee Taylor, Director, Larry Carr, Board of Directors, Howard Posner, Director Ward 3, President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Se...


Paying a fee for Opt-Out of Smart Meters is costly to seniors, middle class and poor people. This should be a free choice due to the harmful effects of EMF/RF's also an invasion of privacy.
Government should step in and protect us from these companies. They should also put a stop to the companies from destroying the analog meters before this issue is settled.

Why is this important?

SMUD says they are harmless yet, an the insert in the statements it clearly says may cause leukemia in infants. We are fighting electric service companies to opt-out (at no cost) of the meters & fees since thousands of customers elderly and poor people. They threaten to cut off service if we don't pay the opt-out fee or they will install the meter over our objections. After doing research I found out the Smart Meters are deadly, plus an invasion of privacy.
