To: Benjamin Marcovitz, CEO Collegiate Academies, Benjamin Davis, Principal, G.W. Carver Prep, Rhonda Dale, Principal, Sci Academy, and Jerel Bryant, Principal, G.W. Carver Collegiate Academy

End the prison pipeline from Collegiate Academies

Zero tolerance has no place in our schools. Suspension is not a way to address normal childhood behavior issues and children cannot learn when out of school.

We demand that Collegiate Academies end their Zero Tolerance policy for student infractions and put an immediate moratorium on expulsions and out-of-school suspensions.

Why is this important?

During the 2012-2013 school year, the 3 Collegiate Academies charter schools in New Orleans had suspension rates ranging from 40-68% of the student body, often for minor infractions, such as stepping outside of the lines in the walk from one class to the next.

That's why we support the Let Kids Be Kids Campaign, conducted by Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children (FFLIC), designed to end the school to prison pipeline and find alternatives to expulsion and suspensions.