To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
End the 2% Bush Tax Entitlement
Records show that the over the past 10 years middlecclass has lost buying power at about the same rate as income has gone up for the 2%. The Bush entitlement MUST be eliminated 1/1/13 - other spending cuts, loopholes and entitlements can be addressed in a timely fashion by the new congress.
Why is this important?
My husband will go into an assisted living facility next week. It will cost 3/4 of our total income per year. I will live in our home on the approximately $20,000 left over. We both will be 85 next year. A few thousand dollars makes the difference of our paying our own way or looking for some entitlement from the government.
Recent graphs showing the up turn for the top 2% of the country as the buying power for the middleclass has declined at almost exactly the same rate is a stark indication that tax cuts for the rich are NOT incentivies to providing more jobs.
Recent graphs showing the up turn for the top 2% of the country as the buying power for the middleclass has declined at almost exactly the same rate is a stark indication that tax cuts for the rich are NOT incentivies to providing more jobs.