To: Michele M. Leonhart, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Agency, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States of America, Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, Commissione...

End the Adderall shortage

End the Adderall shortage.

Why is this important?

Millions of children and adults rely on Adderall, Ritalin, and related medicines to treat their ADD and ADHD, but a severe, year-long shortage has made these pharmaceuticals extremely hard to find legally.

The shortage is a result of inter-agency squabbling between the FDA, which has included these drugs on its list of official pharmaceutical shortages, and the Drug Enforcement Agency, which limits how much of the active ingredient in these drugs manufacturers are allowed to make.

Manufacturers and the FDA say the DEA quotas are preventing them from meeting market demand. The DEA accuses manufacturers of using their quotas to produce more expensive alternatives instead of less expensive versions people can afford.

We call on President Obama and the other officials named on this petition to meet immediately to resolve the ridiculous inter-agency bickering that is preventing people from obtaining medical care. End the Adderal shortage NOW!