To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End the PRISM program - remember the 4th amendment

The people of the country of the United States of America hereby demand that you end the unlawful and un-Constitutional PRISM program that spies on the citizens of the country and the world.

"An evil act, meant to be used for good, is still an evil act, and will lead to more of the same."

Why is this important?

The US Government is going the route of George Orwell's 1984. The outright and unlawful actions they have taken "to protect us' is based on fear-mongering and a carefully calculated campaign machine designed to infiltrate our lives and takes us one step closer to the possibility of tyranny and oppression. Each little of power the government takes is power they never give back. It's time to give it back.

In order to do so people have to understand that this is a gateway problem. Today, it's watching us. Tomorrow it's oppressing us. It doesn't matter if you're doing nothing wrong so you don't care if they're watching you. You should simply care that they are doing it.

In a country that is supposed to be the home of the free shouldn't we feel free? Do you feel free if every move you make is monitored? Do you think you're free when there are people who have unfettered access to all your private communications? Do you think you're free when you can innocently say a keyword or combination of keywords that will instantaneously add you to the NSA watchlist?

You're not.

In order to be the land of the free and the home of the brave we have to do things right. That means respecting the constitution, our rights to freedom, our respect for each other and most of all - to not give into a fear that is generated through acts of terror. Never let an act of terror manipulate you.

Stay strong, stay brave, stay a hero.
