To: Steve Hobbs (WA-44)

End the prisons for profits practices that are turning this country into a police state.

The United States has the highest per capitata prison population in the world. Our rights, our access to justice, and our freedoms are being destroyed by a "for profit" prison system.

Why is this important?

The United States has the highest per capita prison population in the world. Our rights and freedoms are rapidly being taken away as corporations find ways to profit from destroying individual rights and from the imprisonment of as many individuals as they can. The "prison for profit" corporations are destroying many peoples lives, destroying families, instituting ways to force laborers to work in unsafe conditions for virtually no pay (legal slave labor), and is causing many non-violent individuals such as illegal migrant workers to be be imprisoned for excessively long periods of time. This country was once a shining example of freedom and justice. It is rapidly becoming a prison state where corrupt corporations are able to profit from the destruction of countless lives.
