To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End the War on Drugs

The failed trillion dollar War on Drugs has corrupted our judicial and political system. It is killing thousands of people here and abroad and is a leading cause of illegal immigration. It is directly responsible for our having more people incarcerated than in any other country. It has caused more broken homes and sent more of our youth into taxpayer paid private publicly traded prisons than any other cause. It has turned the medical problem of drugs into a criminal one. Liquor prohibition gave us the Mafia. Drug prohibition gives us the cartels. Before the War on Drugs, there were few drug problems. It is time to end this counterproductive collective insanity, the WOD.

Why is this important?

End the failed trillion dollar War on Drugs. Before the War on drugs there were few drug problems. The WOD has had only negative results and at costs we cannot afford. Drug addiction is a medical problem and should be treated as such. Police actions only increase the price of drugs to the benefit of the drug cartels.
