To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End unjust tax loopholes and undeserved subsidies to avert the sequester

We demand an end to any unjust tax loopholes, off-shore havens or subsidies for the wealthiest corporations.

It's estimated that the revenue these obscene loopholes, off-shore tax havens and subsidies are depriving the American people of would generate more than enough over a ten-year period to avert the upcoming sequester.

Why is this important?

Millions of elderly, disabled and poor people are about to lose their homes because of Republicans' refusal to end unjust tax loopholes, off-shore havens, etc., and subsidies for the wealthiest Americans and corporations.

It is estimated that the revenue these obscene loopholes, off-shore havens and subsidies are depriving the American people of would generate more than enough to avert the upcoming sequester.
