To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End Wall Street Speculation on Oil

The speculation of oil on Wall Street must end. Like the stock market that proved to be non-regulating as was evident in the bank bailout just years ago, the futures market is speculative in nature, and has no self-regulating system that, by prozy, circumvents the whole concept of supply and demand entirly. The futures market was not designed to be some regulatory entity, but merely an avenue for speculators to cash in on price fluctuations. And it is evident by the huge day to day swings in the pricing of a barrel of oil, that it is not due to supply and demand, but by speculation of some future event that may or may not materializej at all. But a lot of money is made through the mention of a blog or rumor, etc, etc., and it is the consumer who pays for these insidious price fluctuations. In the selling of stocks this would be called churning. In the end, it is the same result, as the brokerage houses rake in what the consumer pays out at the pump. This must end. This is legalized price fixing, as the hoarding by huge funds simulate a falling supply at the refineries, which further exacerbate the problems , at least in the United States, by keeping supply down due to their "limited" refineries, of which they havent built a new one in 35 years~! All for a reason, as it adds yet again, another lessoning of supply. But lets start with making Wall Street speculation on oil illegal, and go from there, and institute an agency to track supply and demand bound for the United States or produced here, and price oil accordingly. The Saudi oil shieks say it is not a supply problem, but that we, the United States, simply is not up to refining all they can send here. This manipulation must cease, as the buying power of Americans is syphoned off by the oil speculators on Wall Street. Having taken oil off the stock market as a commodity, we can then move to force the oil refineries here to up their quota, or pay a very very large fine per gallon of oil NOT produced!

Why is this important?

The price of oil is set by the Futures Market, not by some non-partisan entity that calculates the supply and demand of that commodity. It is estimated that 1/3 the price of gas and diesel is due to speculation on Wall Street, and the hoarding of oil by large pension and hedge funds in storage facilities, tankers and containers. This must end, as the consumer pays this extortion rate through every gallon of gas he spends that is syphoned off through this speculative process.
