To: Art Gasper, President, Gary Tuerk, Vice President, and Vern Detweiler, Supervisor
End Workplace Abuse Now!
Please reinstate Mr. Richard Shaak to his former position as a Journeyman Electrician with Meridian Electrical Associates.
Mr. Shaak has been a hardworking employee for over a decade.
Do the right thing and reinstate him now.
Mr. Shaak has been a hardworking employee for over a decade.
Do the right thing and reinstate him now.
Why is this important?
Richard Shaak, who was a long time and trusted employee, was terminated for simply speaking up and bringing to light what was on everyone's mind: the failure of management to provide their workforce with adequate and properly functioning tools to perform their jobs like the professionals that they aspire to be.
Mr. Shaak simply wants the ability to for him and his co-workers to work with dignity and respect. Rich Shaak was fired for simply having a difference of opinion with Supervision.
Obviously, Art Gasper and Gary Tuerk, the owners of Meridian Electrical Associates, do not value what their employees have to say. Even worse, they will not tolerate any differences of opinions between the workers, and management.
Please let Art Gasper and Gary Tuerk know that suppressing freedom of speech will not be tolerated. Please sign our petition today and demand that Rich Shaak be reinstated NOW!
Mr. Shaak simply wants the ability to for him and his co-workers to work with dignity and respect. Rich Shaak was fired for simply having a difference of opinion with Supervision.
Obviously, Art Gasper and Gary Tuerk, the owners of Meridian Electrical Associates, do not value what their employees have to say. Even worse, they will not tolerate any differences of opinions between the workers, and management.
Please let Art Gasper and Gary Tuerk know that suppressing freedom of speech will not be tolerated. Please sign our petition today and demand that Rich Shaak be reinstated NOW!