To: NBA Commissioner


Ron Artest, a.k.a. "Metta World Peace", is clearly unfit to conduct himself "sportsmanlike" in the National Basketball Association, as evidenced by his nearly career-long struggle to play the game of basketball free of recurring 1.) intent to harm and literal harming of fans and 2.) intent to harm and literal harming of opponents. Such a blatant absence of capacity to behave "professionally" around fans, teammates, and opponents etc. is adversely affecting the league's appeal, its reputation for upholding standards, and upsetting fans worldwide. Please "END WORLD PEACE" by ending the career of "Metta World Peace" immediately. Ironically, his removal from the NBA will literally help keep the peace in world of professional basketball. Thank you.

Why is this important?

Professional athletes are regarded as an exclusive group of people, blessed with the ability to compete in sporting events for a living, earn substantial sums of money doing so, and serve as role models for millions worldwide. Ron Artest, a.k.a. "Metta World Peace", is everything wrong with professional sports today, and needs to have his career ended, once and for all, by the very people who, in numbers, can do it - you and me. From his "in the stands fan-punchfest" with the Pacers to his blatant elbowing of James Harden this past season, this man needs to be removed from the NBA.
