To: Michael Baisden, Radio personality, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Kaseem Reed, Mayor, Louis Farrakan, Minister, Dr. Umar Johnson, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representa...

Endangered Species: Melenated men facing extinction

There are few species that fall under the category of being endangered, and are therefore protected under certain wildlife laws prohibiting people from hunting, capturing, selling, utilizing for experimental purposes, or injuring these living creatures in any way. Penalties for violators range from stiff fines to federal imprisonment.
However, there is no species MORE ENDANGERED than the Melenated (so called Black) man, and yet they have INCREASINGLY continued to be abused, neglected, hunted, captured, sold, and utilized for experimental purposes. What is the penalty for violators of THIS species?
Enough is enough!
Make your voice heard. Protect ALL endangered species. If the Melenated (so called Black) man is to be compared to and likened with an animal, then at minimum he deserves the same protective, supportive and HUMANE rights, priviledges and protection as such.

Do whats right. Be fair. Protect the king!

Why is this important?

This petition is about providing the same rights, protective laws (including penalties for violators), and privildges to the Melenated (so called Black) men as are afforded to animals, particularly those classified as endangered species.

If $.19 per day can help, shelter, feed and protect an abused, abandoned or neglected animal, YOUR VOICE AND SIGNATURE can do more of the same for this endangered species. Don't let your silence contribute to their extinction!