To: Jeffrey D. Armstrong, President and George Hughes, Chief of Police

Ending Sexual Violence on the Cal Poly Campus

Implement additional infrastructure for increasing campus safety, and deterring sexual assault.

Why is this important?

Cal Poly has recently experienced two sexual assault incidents. This has brought the issue of sexual assault to our attention. We created a student survey to investigate the campus climate and what students feel would make the Cal Poly campus safer. Our results showed that 50% of students either have been or know someone who has been sexually assaulted. Additionally, respondents reported that they would feel safer on campus with: more lighting (76.5%), security cameras (47%), more safe escort services (61.2%), and more self defense classes (60.2%). Finally, 34.5% stated that they would like department specific education programs and seminars to promote sexual assault awareness. From our research, in conjunction with Safer, we strongly suggest installing a seminar that is required for all incoming students, as well as an exit seminar prior to graduation. We urge you to take action immediately, on behalf of everyone in the Cal Poly community.