To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards

Enough is Enough

“Tell Your Legislators Enough is Enough”

MAIL ORIGINAL TO P. O. BOX 8142 Alexandria, LA 71306

Sponsored by: Coalition of Concerned Citizens of Louisiana Advocacy
Sign this petition if you care about Louisiana…

If you want a large and strong middle class…if you want a fair deal for the working poor…if you want the least among us – the elderly, the sick, the destitute – to be cared for.

1.Tell Gov. Bobby Jindal that you are against his plan to eliminate income taxes and raise sales taxes because it will fund a tax cut for the rich by raising taxes on the middle class and the poor.

2.Tell Gov. Bobby Jindal that you support expanding Medicaid because it would provide health insurance to 400,000 Louisiana residents, those already working but too poor to buy private health insurance.

3.Tell Gov. Jindal to reverse his cancellation of state-funded hospice programs. The poor don’t deserve to die alone and in pain.

4.Tell Gov. Jindal that you oppose his continued elimination of vital state services and his war on the state employees who provide those services.

5.Tell Gov. Jindal to start caring more about Louisiana and the problems we ALL face and less about himself and his national political ambitions.

Why is this important?

“Tell Your Legislators Enough is Enough”

MAIL ORIGINAL TO P. O. BOX 8142 Alexandria, LA 71306

Sponsored by: Coalition of Concerned Citizens of Louisiana Advocacy
Sign this petition if you care about Louisiana…

If you want a large and strong middle class…if you want a fair deal for the working poor…if you want the least among us – the elderly, the sick, the destitute – to be cared for.

1.Tell Gov. Bobby Jindal that you are against his plan to eliminate income taxes and raise sales taxes because it will fund a tax cut for the rich by raising taxes on the middle class and the poor.

2.Tell Gov. Bobby Jindal that you support expanding Medicaid because it would provide health insurance to 400,000 Louisiana residents, those already working but too poor to buy private health insurance.

3.Tell Gov. Jindal to reverse his cancellation of state-funded hospice programs. The poor don’t deserve to die alone and in pain.

4.Tell Gov. Jindal that you oppose his continued elimination of vital state services and his war on the state employees who provide those services.

5.Tell Gov. Jindal to start caring more about Louisiana and the problems we ALL face and less about himself and his national political ambitions.

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