To: The Oklahoma State House
Ensuring safety to the driving population of ages of 66 and over and other drivers.
See above.
Why is this important?
Mandate the retesting of lawful drivers on or about the 50th anniversary (66-68 years of age) of the respected states legal driving age in order to retain the privileges to drive safely And every 5 years thereafter in the state of Oklahoma. It has been proven that with age as early and as young as 60 years of age the human brain loses the capacity to respond and react to stimuli with a delay of 40% more than a brain that is 16 years old. Up to a 3 seconds delay. These neurogenic changes and possibly other physiologic factors mimic those of a person behind the wheel with a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher. Which is not tolerated in the state of Oklahoma and cannot be a cause of another endangering incident to the lives of other drivers.