To: Ohio Board of Regants

Environmental Education

The environmental crises facing our nations are facts, not opinions or matters of faith. People of Ohio need to be exposed to a studied, factual presentation of these issues. Add an Environmental Survey course to the core curriculum of Ohio's colleges.

Why is this important?

I am an environmental Program manager and am appalled at the lack of knowledge in the general population regarding the various environmental issues. The most obvious example, but far from the only example, the existence of Global Warming is not debatable. It is as certain as the fact that smoking increases the risk of cancer, but unlike smoking, Global Warming could shorten the lives of everyone! New York City talks about adapting to Global Warming by redistricting and declaring more areas 'flood prone'. How is New York going to adapt to to 128 feet of sea rise and level 5 hurricanes coming through every year. How is America going to adapt when 53% of its population are environmental refugees - forced to leave their homes. And this is only one of a series of environmental issues of which most people are completely uneducated.