To: Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator

Stop the Pebble Mine and Protect Alaska's Bristol Bay!

Stop the Pebble Mine, a proposed large-scale open-pit gold and copper mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska, that jeopardizes some of the world’s largest salmon runs, by exercising your authority under the Clean Water Act to prohibit the construction of massive mining projects in this natural treasure.

Why is this important?

Global mining giants want to gouge one of the world’s largest gold and copper mines – an open-pit 2,000 to 5,000 ft-deep behemoth – into the headwaters of Bristol Bay, generating an estimated 10 billion tons of contaminated waste – 3,000 pounds of waste for every person on earth! The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that large-scale mining in the area would jeopardize the region’s legendary salmon runs – the lynchpin of the areas world-class ecosystem that supports Native communities’ subsistence fishing as well as a $445 million annual commercial and recreational fisheries economy.

The EPA has the authority under the Clean Water Act to block terribly destructive projects like Pebble Mine. Your signature and comment will urge EPA administrator Lisa Jackson to save Bristol Bay by banning large-scale mining in the area, including the Pebble Mine.
