To: Maria Roach, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson

Eqaul Judice

Get equal judice as citizens and stop the police brutality.

Why is this important?

I have a dream that we can one day end racial profiling.Racial profiling have infect on us as citizens and we need to come together against it.We need to reach out to society about this issue,and create a change.Accidents like the situation with the college student in New York,that was shot down when he was trying to lieve running in to two police cars.Trayvon who was a innocent kid coming from the store with a bag of skittles and ice tee.Or the incident where the judge wanted to execute Troy
Davis with out any evidence he commited the crime.

I was watching tv one day and if the animal cops in certain states founght out that your dog lefted the backyard,then they would write you a ticken.My point is if we can come together to get judice about some bodies dog then we should have that same concern about the way that the police are treating our kids or citizens.I was with my little cousin at the boardwalk and a officer confronted him about his pants,and told me to get him off the campus.I was walking off the campus and next to the exit was a store that my friend worked at so i decided to step in out quickly to speck.On my way out of the store,the same officer confronted me rudly,when i was trying to make it out of the exit,another officer attacked me by running me in to his go cart.

They sat me down in there office to book me and take me to jail because they said that my little cousin was too young.They charged me with bad influence of a miner,but how is that bad influence when i was getting him off the pants were up;

If we can have a situation where they could do their job with out taking advantage,abusing,and taking a way the freedom and money of innocent citizen,then we will have some thing to work with.