To: Emanuel Cleaver II, United States Representative

Equal Access To Our Congressional Representative!

We, the signers of this petiton, believe that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was founded as a democracy AND on the principle of ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. In order for democracy to work, the voters of this democracy must be given AND have equal access to their elected officials.
Therefore, the signers of this petition, request UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE EMANUEL CLEAVER, II (D, MO-5th Dist) either make his Kansas City Office, located at 101 W. 31st Street, Kansas City, MO 64111, fully accessible for Persons With Disabilities in accordance with The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 OR relocate to another office building AND office space that is fully accessible in accordance to The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, thereby allowing Persons With Disabilities the same independent AND equal access to their Congressional Representative that is enjoyed by the other voters in Kansas City's Fifth (5th) Congressional District.

Why is this important?

Persons with disabilities aren't able to enter Congressman Cleaver's Kansas City office without first notifying him that We're coming. Whereas other members of the public are able to stop in and speak with the Congressman or his staff anytime the office is open.