To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Equal Pay For Equal Work in Higher Education

Require all institutions of higher education in Oregon to offer full-time positions to faculty who teach a full-time course load and to pay these faculty members the standard full-time rate. Faculty who currently teach-- or the previous calendar year taught-- at least the equivalent number of courses or credits as their full-time peers must receive full-time pay and benefits.

Why is this important?

I taught 12 4-credit courses last year at Portland Community College and served on two committees. Full-time faculty teach 9 courses per year, so I worked 1.33 FTE, but because I am classified as an adjunct instructor I earned about $30,000 instead of about $60,000. Although my position would qualify towards student loan forgiveness, it does not because I am not classified as a full-time employee.

Make equal pay for equal work the standard in higher eduction. I and other hard-working educators like me appreciate your support so we don't have to get our groceries at the food bank. Certain matters like this one should not be left to unions to negotiate but should be guaranteed by law, just as minimum wage is.
