To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Equal Political Gender Representation

We, the people on behalf of all women in and of the United States of America, demand the number of seats, appointments, higher offices, etc., be set equal to the actual proportion of women in the population, thereby guaranteeing appropriate representation of womens interests in the future of all children, their families, and all generations to come.

Until this problem is corrected, true equality and justice for all will never become a reality. The time has come to change this.

Why is this important?

Women are under represented in government.

For their needs to be addressed, and for their childrens needs to be addressed, this fundamental inequality must be corrected.

Until this deeply damaging divide is corrected, our country will never move forward or maintain a semblance of liberty or achieve measurable beneifts of social justice.