To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Any reduction of any and all benefits to recipients of social security, medicare, and/or medicaid approved by Congress will be preceded by an equal reduction percentage wise to All benefits to which members of Congress receive. ie..say a person on Social Security receives $10,000 per year, Congress approves a 10% reduction of social security benefits reducing that persons benefit to $9,000 per year, every benefit, (salary, retirement, office and travel expenses) for every member of Congress will be reduced by that same 10%. Same scenario for medicare/medicaid recipients, ie..say annual out of pocket expenses for medicare/medicaid recipients are averaged to be $500.00, Congress approves a bill causing the annual out of pocket expenses to go to $600.00, a 20% increase, every member of Congress would also have a 20%increase in out of pocket expenses or 20%decrease in coverage limits whichever is greater effective same day/time as approved bill.

Why is this important?

middle class America
