To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Equal sentencing for criminals regardless of race

In pennsylvania minorities are being sentenced longer for criminal acts such a drug dealing then murder. The judiciary system needs to be fair in sentencing and not pick and choose who gets to walk or who goes to jail because of your race or background.

Why is this important?

A little 3 year old girl was hit and run and killed last year the white young man hit her left the scene and a tip was given of his identitiy and the next day he turned himself in they sentenced him to 2-7 years for killing her. He ran a stop sign and killed her. Many of my friends and family are in prison for more than 5 years for Drug cases. How do you take a innocent life and get a slap on the wrist but sell a drug and get a big chunk of time. Not fair at all. We have to take action and stop the judical system.
