To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Equality, realigning the benefits of congress

It is time for the American people to realign the salaries and benefits of the American political servants. It is outrageous that the congress is allowed to assign their own salary increases and benefits packages without a vote of the American people.

When the founding fathers worked to create this country the only lifetime benefits they sought was FREEDOM and EQUALITY, not a huge salary and inflated benefits for life.

From this point forward, the men and women who serve in our congress should expect the following terms in regards to their positions:

A salary equal to the average household income of their own state for senators and districts for representatives.

A health insurance benefit package equal to that of the state provided care given to children and the elderly in their elected district and it shall end when their service in the congress ends.

The elected official shall reside in a home provided by the state when congress is in session in Washington DC. That home is to be considered property of the state and should not exceed the value of the average home price in their elected state.

There will be no exempt status given to congress members. If they make the law they must live underneath it.

Any congress member found to have broken the law will be relieved of duties and must repay any salary and benefits they have collected during their entire service to congress.

At the end of a successful service, the elected official must return to the district from which they served and must remain a resident for the exact amount of years equal to that of their service. If they fail to do so, other than death, they will be prosecuted and all monies and benefit costs covered during their service repaid to the people of the districts and state multiplied by X5.

It is time for the men and women of congress to live as an average American. As elected officials, it is utmost important that they never forget who their employers are and what consequences their actions cause. It should be a desire to serve the community and not financial gain or lifetime benefits that leads one to Washington DC.

Sign this petition and send it to your representatives in the U.S. Sentate and U.S. House of Representatives. Lets see who is willing to be an "AMERICAN" hand in hand with you and I.

S. H.
Portland, Oregon

Why is this important?

It's time that our elected officials stand with the people of this country. This petition is set in motion to realign the outrageous benefits members of congress receive for life. The term used to define an elected officials job title is PUBLIC SERVICE not public support for life.

Lets reset the compensation for the honor of serving in government to the gratitude of the people.