To: The Florida State House and The Florida State Senate

Eradicate styrofoam in our restaurants!

Florida restaurants need a reason to ditch harmful styrofoam and upgrade to a biodegradable, eco-friendly alternative like restaurants in Colorado and other progressive states have done. Introduce legislation to ban the use of styrofoam containers for take out, similar to the ban on plastic bags accomplished in San Francisco, to protect our citizens from carcinogens in their food and their environment.

Why is this important?

Styrofoam is estimated to take decades to centuries to degrade as it sits in our landfills. It leeches out toxic chemicals, potentially into our food, and certainly into the environment. And yet, it is the most popular take out container in a majority of restaurants. We can change this by urging restaurants to go the way of progressive cities like Denver - ditch the styrofoam, upgrade to a more eco-friendly to-go container!