To: ESPN Broadcasting Company
ESPN Don't Bring Hank Williams, Jr. Back
Whereas our country is en boiled in a crucial struggle to recognize and protect human rights;
And, whereas ESPN found it appropriate to dismiss Hank Williams, Jr. from the Monday Night Football TV program because of his vehement disregard for same;
And, whereas if ESPN brings him back on the show, it will ratchet disregard for such rights,
Be it Resolved that we petition to ESPN to reverse its unwise decision to bring Mr. Williams back on its national TV program.
And, whereas ESPN found it appropriate to dismiss Hank Williams, Jr. from the Monday Night Football TV program because of his vehement disregard for same;
And, whereas if ESPN brings him back on the show, it will ratchet disregard for such rights,
Be it Resolved that we petition to ESPN to reverse its unwise decision to bring Mr. Williams back on its national TV program.
Why is this important?
Hank Williams, Jr used his previous platform as the show opener for Monday Night Football as a spring board for appearing all over the country denouncing human rights and racial equality issues. He was particularly insulting to President Obama, likening him to Hitler. It has been announced that ESPN is planning to bring him back to the program although he has never retreated from his bigoted commentary. We should demand that for the good of our country, as it tries to heal, he should not be returned to the public airways.