To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Establish Political Lies as a Punishable Crime

Political candidates, their paid supporters and their surrogate spokespeople should be required to sign a requirement to be truthful in their adds and campaign literature or face a stiff fine and the inability to run for any political office again. A Political Truth Commission should be established to determine if politicians are being honest and if not, fully publish the offenders and their offending lies, assess the fine, and recommend the voters refrain from voting for such liars. The American voters deserve the truth and to know who is lying. Someone willing to lie to get elected will also lie when in office. If they are grossly misrepresenting facts, this too should be subject to a fine and the recommendation from the Commission to not vote for such offenders.

Why is this important?

It is so unfair for politicians and their surrogates to lie to the American public about their oppenent's position or voting record or to misrepresent facts to mislead voters. A standing Truth in Politics Commission should be established that would point out political lies and misrepresentations and publish them so voters can see who the liers are and the lies that they are telling. Furthermore, such lies and gross misrepresentations should be crimes with fines and the inability to run for office. Surrogates who lie or grossly misrepresnt the fact would also be heavily fined. People running for office should be required to submit to this truth in politics requirement and their surrogates must also adhere to the requirement of face stiff fines. American voters need truthful politicians. If they lie to get elected, they will lie when in office.
