To: Mayor and City Council, Eugene Planning Commission, and Neighborhood Leaders Council

Eugene's "Clear & Objective Code" revision proposals

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Friday, April 12, 2019

To the Mayor, City Council, and Planning Commissioners:

We are opposed to the overriding of past refinement plans and the casting aside of the work that has been done in the past by people who had the foresight to protect our natural resources. There are very
sound reasons for the provisions of the South Hills Study, among them the protection of water, forests, habitat, the wildlife corridor, etc. We are opposed to the changes that you “recommend” with regard to the South Hills Study.

Your proposed “Clear and Objective Code” governing new housing developments may streamline the process for developers, as you state as a goal, but this comes at a cost to the environment and to the livability of our area.

You are moving much too fast to implement these changes. Most of the residents of this city have no knowledge whatsoever of what's being proposed or what's being done. Of the residents who ARE aware, we are being bombarded by this type of revision, such as the Transportation Plan in addition to this one, and by legal battles with multiple developers who are wreaking havoc in the South Hills.

The deadline for public input is too soon! Please allow more time for people to read and attempt to comprehend the documents, and please put more thought and consideration into your proposal regarding sustainability and the preservation of our natural resources.

Why is this important?

Proposed land-use changes are inconsistent with the preservation of natural resources.