To: Muriel Bowser, Mayor

Every Child Deserves a Full-Time Nurse in His or Her School

If you support a full-time nurse in every school, sign this petition!

Why is this important?

Students have died because a nurse was not present in the school. Recent student deaths occurred in the Philadelphia school system when a school nurse was not scheduled to work at the school. We cannot have this happen in the District.

Many jurisdictions do not have an adequate number of nurses in the school system because of cost-saving measures. What is the value of a child’s life? The school nurse is the first line of defense for the health of children. School nurses monitor asthma, diabetes and many more chronic diseases. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 15-18% of American students have chronic health conditions.

DC Nurses Association believes that the District of Columbia will cut the funds of nurses in the school system which could lead to fewer nurses in the school system. The bottom line is that it is the duty of the DC Public Schools to protect our children and that means we need a nurse in every school throughout each school day.

The District of Columbia only requires a school nurse in every school for 20 hours,.

It is time for the District to put the health of the children first. They deserve it.

If you support a full-time nurse in every school, sign this petition!

DC Nurses Association
