To: Governor J.B. Pritzker

Everybody Needs Safe Water

Keep contaminants out of Illinois drinking water and please issue citations for water supplies that are in violation of basic drinking water standards.

Why is this important?

Illinois has many watersheds that are not safe for drinking. There are very few inspectors to keep track of all of the water supplies and unfortunately, they often do not follow through with giving citations to communities that are in clear violation of EPA drinking standards and are not aggressive enough about expecting those in violation to make necessary changes to ensure safe drinking water. Contaminants such as vinyl chloride from nearby landfills, dangerous levels of nitrates, water not treated for bacteria, and nuclear plants leaking radiation into groundwater are examples of what people unknowingly drink everyday. Please regulate the water supply appropriately and expect water inspectors to issue citations as needed and not turn a blind eye to them, our health depends on it, as water is a basic human necessity! Please make budget cuts someplace else that does not effect the health and safety of Illinois residents any further!