To: YouTube and ( User Icecake27 )
Evil torture and murder: An innocent Puppy set on fire for viewers on YouTube
YouTube, we need your immediate removal for justice and for upholding your guidelines for Users and their rights. Remove user Icecake27 and video containing murder, torture, violent, repulsive, hateful, abusive, harmful, dangerous,unlawful and evil content. Video of the burning, screaming, terrified,innocent puppy as perpetrators laugh after setting the baby on fire. The User is laughing at all pleas and heartsick, outraged viewers. You must stand by your users, and your own guidelines. We need your help. Please show all users that you are powerful and respected enough to do the right thing immediately.
Why is this important?
I have been horrified, sick and heartbroken for days on end. There is still a video on YouTube by user Icecake27 depicting an innocent puppy screaming and on fire. The murderers show lighting a match....and laughing while that poor baby was horrified, in extreme confusion and unspeakable agony. I along with many others have flagged this video to no avail. We all have begged YouTube to remove User and video. YouTube also states that they comply with the following: To not allow YouTube Users to share videos that contain 1. Violent or repulsive material 2. harmful or dangerous acts 3.hateful or abusive 4. an infringement of our rights The evil murder, torture, and sick crime is all of the above. Users have been removed for copyright infringement, this video, however has been posted since January of 2012 with desperate, distraught, pleas to YouTube for justice and immediate removal to no avail. Please help me and us, to remove that sick video. Please.