To: Rep. Ben Cline (VA-6) and Rep. Bryan Steil (WI-1)

Exclusion of Hispanic Caucus from ICE Deportation Briefings

Let's let Speaker Ryan and Judiciary Chairman Goodlatte know they may not exclude Hispanic Caucus members from ICE Deportation Briefings!

Why is this important?

On Feb 16, 2017, House Speaker Paul Ryan, (R-WI) and Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, (R-VA) requested that Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) leave a briefing that was being held with ICE, regarding deportations, and the plans that the Trump Administration is working on in regards to the DREAMers. They then prohibited all members of the Hispanic Caucus from attending meetings with ice as well-this shows a clear, racially motivated bias, and is simply unacceptable. Speaker Ryan and Chairman Goodlatte need to receive censure, at the very least, with possible further punishment, if deemed warranted. Furthermore, we, the American people, demand that any persons having Congressional clearance to attend ICE deportation briefings, including but not limited to, members of the Hispanic Caucus, be allowed to do so IMMEDIATELY.