To: President Donald Trump

Executive Order to make Lobbying Illegal

Dear President Obama,
Corporations spend up to 30% of their income to pay people to influence our Government. This practice of buying votes (or as we call it here in America - lobbying) is neither democratic nor fair in any way. The average American has to work 10 times harder to change legislation than the Corporations do.

If BP wants to drill in the Arctic, let them get the people to sign off on it. The practice of Lobbying is state-sanctioned corruption.

Please make all Americans equal in the eyes of the Government and return our country to a true Democracy where every person has an equal chance to be heard and to change policy by petition and protest.

Please level the playing field by making it illegal to influence politics in any way other than by petition and protest.

Why is this important?

The only way the 99% can change legislation is by petition and protest. All corporations have to do is hire someone to wine, dine and gift a legislator under the disguise of junkets, super PACS, and huge corporate donations. We ask President Obama to level the playing field by outlawing professional lobbyists so the Corporations have to get their way the same way the 99% do.