To: NBC Universal Media Corporation, Jeremy Gains, VP MSNBC Media Relations

Exile Private Equity Dems from MSNBC TV

Today's Democratic Party is so moderate it is barely discernable from Rockefeller Republicans. President Obama, nowhere near being a socialist, is himself a centrist figure. Facing an opposition of Birchers, McCarthyites and Ayn Rand zealots, the President can't even critique corporate raiders and vulture capitalists without backlash from within his own party. Ed Rendell, Cory Booker and Harold Ford made it clear that Wall Street's money is more important to them than the 2012 Presidential election. Tell MSNBC TV to send Rendell, Booker, and Ford packing. We want bought politicians off of our televisions and out of our government.

Why is this important?

Get Money Out of United States Politics: Recently, on national television, three prominent Democrats criticized President Obama's anti-Bain Capital ads against the Romney campaign, because they were more concerned about their own cash flows than supporting the President's 2012 re-election efforts.
