To: The United States Senate
Existing Gun Sales Laws and Regulations Currently for Each of the 50 States
How many States have no laws whatsoever regarding gun sales in their states? Virginia, Tennessee and Florida; we have heard about (so far). How about a roll call of all States?
Why is this important?
I am affected because I am a citizen of these United States, as is most everyone here...and even if one is not a citizen, we all have a right to feel as safe as possible in our communities, beginning with our schools, malls, music venues, theaters and, for that matter, sidewalks, wherever we live. Human death by guns is at an all-time numbers of deaths and incidents. I believe a roll call of all states be made regarding what, if any, laws are on the books regulating gun sales. We can't start in the Middle of this Problem...we Must Begin at the Beginning. I urge everyone to consider signing this petition to become a TEAM FOR CHANGE.