To: The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, and Governor Eric Holcomb

EXPAND MEDICAID with our Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act

Please expand Medicaid with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act before this Session ends.

Of course, our current governor is Mike Pence. Please forgive the folks at this site,, for their error in still using Mitch Daniels's name, our previous governor.They are 'working on' this correction. What's essential is to contact asap all who can EXPAND MEDICAID in Indiana before Assembly ends this session.

Help over 300,000 Hoosier neighbors, that probably includes even your own family members, suffering in silent needless shame because they cannot afford the healthcare they can only get with this MEDICAID EXPANSION. Thank you.

Why is this important?

There were people who died waiting to get on Medicaid in Indiana years ago. PP & ACA would pay 100% for approx.3 yrs; 90% thereafter. IN already pays for those 300,000+ friends, family members, & neighbors who would qualify. Private insurance monopolies just raise premiums partially caused bythe mandated ER care initiated by REAGAN. I would have died without Medicaid that helps cover Medicare premiums. The people that will be saved are our friends & neighbors. Those that will benefit are ALL of US of A. Call Gov. Pence and IN Assembly so they can affirm this Medicaid expansion before, if I'm not mistaken, the session ends in April. When they affirm that, they will help us all affirm our humanity as Hoosiers & truly patriotic and compassionate Americans. Finally: it will also be fiscally responsible. It's a win/win. Help do this wonderful thing. I thank you--and your neighbors needing healthcare will thank you, too.