To: The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, and Governor Ralph Northam
Expand Virginia Virtual Academy Public Home School
Virginia needs increased Public High School Options. Virginia Virtual Academy (VAVA) is online public homeschool powered by the national K12 program. Using the nationally accredited K12 program, Virginia Virtual Academy offers online public homeschool only through the 8th grade. This petition solicits legislators' support to expand Virginia Virtual Academy through the 12th grade and to increase participation of VA counties enrolling students in the K12 program.
Why is this important?
My grand-daughters live in Essex CO VA and are currently enrolled in Virginia Virtual Academy (VAVA) - an online public home school option. The elder granddaughter has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Public online home schooling is an optimal and viable educational option enabling her to learn in a free and safe educational environment. Since the current Virginia Virtual Academy program only extends to the 8th grade, she will not be afforded this excellent online public homeschooling opportunity next year when she enters high school. This petition is a request for your support to increase Virginia Virtual Academy to include High School. It is also a request to support expanding Virginia Virtual Academy by increasing VA Counties enrolling students in this public school option. The VAVA online homeschool program provides increased educational opportunities for all children - especially those with IEPs who are often bullied in school..