To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Expose Corruption
The undersigned believe that every human being knows the difference between right and wrong. We ask you, as our political representative, to stand up for integrity by publicly exposing and denouncing corruption, legal and illegal, wherever and whenever you find it.
Why is this important?
Trillions of unproductive dollars are siphoned out of our economy every year by everything from simple nepotism to cash bribery. As a result the wealth that we generate as a society has been redistributed to the top 1% where it has effectively been hoarded and taken out of productive circulation.
After thirty years of labor saving technological developments this siphoning off of our collective wealth by the scam artists has left the rest of us struggling to make ends meet. As a result we can not address ourselves to society's challenges of climate change and global hunger because we are too busy trying to keep our head above water to feed our families.
After thirty years of labor saving technological developments this siphoning off of our collective wealth by the scam artists has left the rest of us struggling to make ends meet. As a result we can not address ourselves to society's challenges of climate change and global hunger because we are too busy trying to keep our head above water to feed our families.