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To: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

Expunge Rick Simpson ("Oil's") Criminal Record in Canada

National Hero Rick Simpson saved countless lives after developing and sharing his Rick Simpson Oil (Phoenix Tears)free of charge, to cure cancer and other diseases. He took his research to Canadian officials and all the way up to the United Nations in an attempt to save lives. A True Humanitarian, and was persecuted, arrested and banned from entry into the United States.

Why is this important?

The WORLD has been positively affected by Rick Simpson's humanitarian efforts; traveling the world teaching others how to heal themselves and others with his Cannabis Oil, in a world dominated by pharmaceutical companies 'for-profit' mentality. He has a criminal record for these efforts when he should be recognized as a NATIONAL HERO and nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. We must reverse this unjust criminal record, especially since Canada has now legalized MEDICAL MARIJUANA.



2023-01-09 13:04:25 -0500

100 signatures reached