To: Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-4)
Extend Unemployment Benefits NOW!
There are three job seekers for every job opening. Congress has never canceled an extension under such high levels of unemployment. More than 1.3 million people have already had this lifeline cut off. Five million more people will lose their benefits in 2014. Many of these people will become homeless, many others will move in with family, and some will die because of this.
Representative Mc Clintock, a Fox News Polls shows that 69% of voters support Extending Unemployment Benefits. As your constituents, we hereby demand that you sponsor legislation in the House of Representatives to Extend Federal Long-Term Unemployment Benefits for a full year with NO offsetting cuts.
Representative Mc Clintock, a Fox News Polls shows that 69% of voters support Extending Unemployment Benefits. As your constituents, we hereby demand that you sponsor legislation in the House of Representatives to Extend Federal Long-Term Unemployment Benefits for a full year with NO offsetting cuts.
Why is this important?
UPDATE: We will be rallying AT the offices of the Roseville Press-Tribune on Friday, February 28 at 5 pm to CALL FOR A CANDIDATE WHO SUPPORTS EXTENDING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. The office is at 188 Cirby Way, Roseville CA 95678.
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ps. you may contact me directly via the link (my name in red text) under the title of this petition.
This is a @@Petition. As such, all signers will receive regular email updates for as long as the petition is active. You can easily find these email updates by looking for the "@@" in the Subject line of you email inbox.
ps. you may contact me directly via the link (my name in red text) under the title of this petition.