To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Extend Unemployment Benefits Now
Force the congress of the United States to address the plight of unemployed and underemployed Americans as well as they take care of their corporate benefactors.
Let's make our government work for us and not corporate lobbying firms.
Let's make our government work for us and not corporate lobbying firms.
Why is this important?
Because there are too many Americans who look for jobs everyday yet there does not seem to be one on the horizon...With every week that goes by with resumes unanswered or interviews that lead nowhere it is clear that 26 weeks in this economy is not going to enough to bridge that gap between the last job and the next job...Further if our government can bail out corporations and hedge fund managers and be readily available for the call from expensive lobbyists and former members who have become such then they can damn well address the needs of those who are have worked and who want to work but cannot find a job and for whom 8.00 an hour is not a life line but instead a direct line to poverty.