To: Jim Strickland, Mayor of Memphis and Memphis City Council

Extend Voting Age to Sixteen in Memphis

We, the Memphis Youth Union, believe in a democracy that is representative of all. However, we currently see the government making decisions on behalf of youth without their input. We are working to transform this culture by promoting youth voice and advocating the extension of voting rights to 16- and 17-year-olds in local elections.

Why is this important?

In Memphis, 16- and 17-year-olds drive, participate in the labor force, and be tried as adults. Yet, we cannot vote to influence any of the systems that personally affect us: school, jobs, and laws. Extending voting rights will allow us to influence these systems and enter the political sphere. Increasing youth involvement and understanding in the political process will help establish a more informed community, showing that youth are present and here to get involved.

People are ready to extend these rights to youth. Since 2000, there have been numerous legislative bills proposed in over twenty US states to extend the voting age. So far, two Maryland cities, Takoma Park and Hyattsville, have extended these rights to 16- and 17-year-olds in local elections.

Extending voting rights to 16- and 17-year olds in Memphis is a huge step towards a more inclusive city. Please sign this petition to voice your support for youth representation in the political process in Memphis.