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To: President Donald Trump, Rep. Chris Collins (NY-27), Sen. Charles Schumer (NY-1), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-2), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

extended unemployment

We call on Congress to extend the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program through 2014, and prevent 1.3 million people from losing their benefits at the end of this year

Why is this important?

Unemployment benefits need to be extended ASAP. People are going to lose what little things they have. Congress has forgotten who they work for. American do not desert each other. Anyone who calls the unemployed lazy needs to be better informed, & I urge them to take the time to talk to people who are unemployed.

I'm unemployed, for 6 months now, in the State of NY. I put 10+ years of my hard earned $ and have never once regretted my taxes helping others. In my case my medical conditions caused my dismissal at work. New employers DO NOT want the problem of the disabled.

Unemployment isn't supposed to last forever, But 3 months is better than 0 months. We are only as strong as those around us.



2020-07-16 21:00:59 -0400

100 signatures reached