To: Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO, Exxon Mobil Corporation

Exxon: Don't Discriminate Against Married Gay Employees

Stop denying spousal benefits to Exxon Mobil employees in same-sex marriages.

Why is this important?

When Exxon merged with Mobil in 1999, the newly merged company ended Mobil's domestic partner benefits program for gay employees. Today, Exxon Mobil denies spousal benefits to all legally married gay employees.

The Human Rights Campaign has given Exxon Mobil a score of negative 25 in its Corporate Equality Index -- a scorecard that rates 1000 companies on criteria ranging from diversity training, transgender-inclusive medical coverage to non-discrimination policies. It's the first time they've ever awarded a negative score to a company.

It's 2013 and as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on whether the federal government will recognize legal marriages, it's time for Exxon and other employers do the same. Let's tell Exxon Mobil to stop discriminating against gay employees.