To: Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook: Stop the Hate

Facebook's Community Standards are supposed to not allow Hate speech, but they do. Facebook needs stricter Community Standards.

Why is this important?

I found a picture on my feed, posted by my own brother, of Elmer Fudd hunting a cartoon President Obama in Arab head dress saying, "Shhh... Be vewy vewy twiet.., I'm hunting Muzwums!!!". Facebook says this doesn't qualify as hate speech on their policy, even though it advocates hunting the President, hunting African Americans and hunting an entire religion. We live in a time when there are mass shootings almost daily and pictures like this do not promote a 'safe and welcoming environment,' which is what Facebook's community standards and their response to my report stated is their intent. This isn't the first time Facebook has been lax on its hate speech and community standards rules, and this needs to stop. Politics isn't the issue here, hate is the issue.
