To: The California State House, The California State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Fair and Balanced Health Care for ALL

Vote to make heath care for our elected officials in DC the same as it is for the average wage earner. Let our lawmakers know that we don't want them to spend extra money on themselves that they say they cannot afford to spend on us.

Why is this important?

The US Senate and House of Representatives have our health care future in their hands. A number of them believe that the US cannot "afford"quality health care for all Americans, while at the same time they enjoy a level of health care for themselves and their families that we can only dream about.This means that what they're voting on does not affect them, or their families.
They and all their family members get preventative care to stay in good health,no caps on maximum benefits and easy access to the doctors of their own choice.
If our govenrment cannot afford to give you and I the same level of benefits our elected officials receive, then our politicians should get no better health care than the average wage earner in the US.
The US Labor Department and Health and Human Services can set the maximum benefit based on the reports they already have.
Politicians are elected to serve us,and protect our interest. They have nothing to lose if health care is not resolved for all Americans.