To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Fair Health Insurance for Californians

Preexisting condition clauses should be disallowed in health insurance policies, effective immediately.

Restrictions to form health policy groups should be disallowed. Individuals should be allowed to get the same discounts and coverage as do corporations in the State of California by forming a group for the purposes of health insurance.

Why is this important?

There are a few issues regarding Health Insurance that affects all Californians. No pre-existing conditions. I have not been able to get health insurance in California due to a pre-existing condition. I had one incident 25 years ago. I have been taking medication for this condition since the incident and have never had a re-occurrence. Yet, I was turned down for Health Insurance due to this incident.

Equal insurance policies for all. When you search for an insurance policy you get the gamete of policies and costs. Costs for private individual insurance vs. what the policies offer to cover is up and down the scale. They make no sense. Individuals should be allowed to form groups for insurance purposes and receive the same types of coverage and discounts that corporations receive.
