To: Publix Super Markets

Fair Treatment for Employees Injured on the Job

Corporations should treat employees who are hurt on the job fairly and managers who are negligent in seeing that they receive proper medical treatment should be held accountalbe.

Why is this important?

A customer at Publix closed her car trunk on the head of a courtesy clerk who was putting groceries in her car. When she reported the accident to her manager she was told to go back to work because she was not bleeding. A few hours later she experienced dizziness, numbness and a blinding headache. Instead of taking her to the doctor she was told to drive there herself. The Company doctor told her nothing was wrong but she woke unable to move the next day and went to emergency. Another doctor found that she had sustained a serious neck injury resulting in nerve damage. Publix disregarded his finding and refused to pay workmen's comp. Consequently she has been unable to work for the past seven months and has lost her other part time job which gave her medical benefits. She eventually found a lawyer to take her case and they pushed her into settling for a very small amount. Now she does not have a job and may need surgery due to this injury.
