To: Mississippi Department of Correction

Families, friends and inmates: change unjust policies within the MDOC.

Stop unjust practices against MDOC inmates and their families.

Why is this important?

This concerns the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the inmates. For example, unsanitary living conditions, lack of and improper medical care, safety issues because of understaffing and improper training. Family rights are being violated, and there are inconsistent policies regarding visitation. For example, former employees are prohibited from visiting inmates or marrying inmates, post employment. If you have not violated policy or disrupted the order of the facilities you should be allowed to visit and marry. Families should have longer visits. Women should be able to bring in feminine products and family members shouldn't have problems using the restroom. Also families should have the privileges of having family portraits for memories. Some children and loved ones will never be able to have family portraits.
