Help bring back family/conjugal visits for inmates, their spouses and their children. Families need to stay united during incarceration and I feel this will help with that. We should be working to rehabilitate these individuals, not continuously tear them down and treat them like animals. Please help me in getting our voices heard!
Why is this important?
Inmates lose everything when they are sentenced to serve time in prison. Many lose their families as well due to no longer having the ability to remain close with their spouse or children through their sentence. Many inmates become more aggressive and stop caring because they have nothing to look forward to anymore. If inmates were allowed to have family/conjugal visits to help keep their bond with their spouse and their children, they would have something to look forward to. They would be less aggressive because they would not want to risk losing spending time with their spouse and children. Let's stop taking everything away from the inmates and let them remain close to their families.